Time for one more of the old sL-Blog posts, ladies & gentlemen!
"RNR Kamikaze" was the topic at that point of time! The original post revamped, redesigned, updated & with a present time surprise, ready to be enjoyed! So delve in!
Original post starts here!
Hey, girls & boys!
Hope that you are all doin' well! We are fine too, though we wish there could be more than 24 hours a day! Jesus, I just found some time to take a proper bath & feel like a brand new man already! HA HA HA!
[Nope... that's Jim... primitive style after a mudbath?!]
[But, Jet writes the post!]
Now... we've got good news & very good news!
Let's start with the good ones (but the right word is awesome!). Don't exactly know how are you doin' this, but "RNR Kamikaze" is back on the 1st place on MySpace Greece charts! & if this ain't enough it's also rankin' high on the global metal charts, while the band is present at the global metal bands charts too!
[Sleazy Lizards No. 10 - Global Metal Charts]
Total insanity, amazing feeling, strength & courage for the future & you are the reason for all of this! Thank you, thumbs up and a whole lot of bad bad words! We can't help it, but you know how it is with the whole Rock N' Roll mentality! ;)
"RNR Kamikaze" reached more than 58000 plays. The following pictures span a year of "RNR Kamikaze" recorded presence on Top of Myspace Greece Charts.
Listen "RNR Kamikaze" at the following links
Sleazy Lizards - RNR Kamikaze (garage) at Myspace
& now it's time for the very good news! Do you remember that last time, we said that next time we'll hit the charts it will be more than words? Well a surprise is on the way & it's only a matter of days! & if this ain't enough, during the whole process new ideas came down to our heads, so it will be... let's say a double hit [or a hit in waves ;)]!
We are ready to Crash it!
Are you Willin' to Do it?
Rock N' Roll greets, you Sleazards!
Surprise delivered!
When the Sea floods the Earth
and the Sun has retired
throw me up in the Sky
and let my Spirit glide...
Sleazy Lizards - It's Allright
Rock N' Roll greets, you Sleazards!
Surprise delivered!
Dedicated to all the Sleazards, who brought "RNR Kamikaze" at the Top places of Myspace Charts / Myspace Greece Charts (& a few others!) Special thanks to Mr. Eleytherios Adam, Chris Firfiris, Peter Sampatakos & the Fresh P. (Demetrios Papas) valuable members of the sL-Family. Love, respect & appreciation, Rock N' Roll!
[Can you de-code the secret message?]
Present day Extras!
"RNR Kamikaze" acoustic performance durin' "Countdown to Summer" sL-Event!
DriverFm Alternative Web Radio broadcast, sL-Channel on Youtube live stream, Sleazy Lizards interview by Elisavet K. & Leonidas Soad & Aeriko Bar hosting the event! "CTS" was a blast with lots of live music, studio tracks, unpublished vids, jokes, laughs, screams & all in the presence of sL-Friends & art lovers. But that's a story for another post!
See you out there!
When the Sea floods the Earth
and the Sun has retired
throw me up in the Sky
and let my Spirit glide...
Sleazy Lizards - It's Allright