A few days after Sleazy Lizards' performance with the one & only Kip Winger, Mr. Sakis "The Dad" Nikas of Rockpages.gr took the band out (hence "The Dad" !), we sat down & had a very interesting conversation about the early days, the present, the music! About Sleazy Lizards growing up as childhood friends, evolving as musicians & carving their own path! Talked 'bout lots of things, too many to be included here or even in Sakis' article!
So sit back, relax & enjoy!
Get to know a bit more about SL!
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Have a great day, Ladies & Gentlemen!
P.S. eXtras, like the one below, in between & at the bottom of the article!
So sit back, relax & enjoy!
Get to know a bit more about SL!
Spread the News, share the Info & btw....
Have a great day, Ladies & Gentlemen!
P.S. eXtras, like the one below, in between & at the bottom of the article!
Jim... Brooklyn Style
[Taken by Philip Dimopoulos during the KW/SL show]
[Taken by Philip Dimopoulos during the KW/SL show]
The article as published by Rockpages.gr @ https://goo.gl/WLR5Y6 starts here.
Article in Greek available @ https://goo.gl/w1DhGW.
Article in Greek available @ https://goo.gl/w1DhGW.
In 1974, Jon Landau checked out a show by the upcoming artist Bruce Springsteen. After the show, he went on to write a phrase that remained classic ever since: “I saw rock n’ roll future and its name is Bruce Springsteen”. This is somehow what I felt when I saw Sleazy Lizards opening for Kip Winger a while ago. No need for any parallelism or comparison with the mighty Boss but the enthusiasm and the overall performance of the band that night can easily justify any resonant characterization. Even if we are living in Greece…in 2016!

[Taken by Yiannis Dolas during the KW/SL show]
It is pretty rare to be astonished by an unknown, support act. It is even rarer for the Greek standards to experience an absolute professional approach that is accompanied by a romantic amateurism that stems from Sleazy Lizards’ passion for music. And this is exactly the differential point between this band and the vast majority of the other Greek outfits: they are both perfect musicians and flawless performers._____________________________________________________
Dr. Jet in Anatomy Class
[Taken by Philip Dimopoulos during the KW/SL show]
[Taken by Philip Dimopoulos during the KW/SL show]
They manage to combine harmonically the catchy (yet well-crafted) tunes with the entertainment factor. So, we decided to meet the guys and learn a few things more about them. If my initial impression on the night when I saw them was positive, after the meeting I was more than happy getting to know this band…hopefully, things will turn out great for them!
Sleazy Lizards is comprised of Jet Papas, Jim V. Serpent and Ad, three friends (and schoolmates, really) that decided to form a band when they saw another school band on stage playing “Wasting Love” by Iron Maiden (Up The Irons!).
Highly passionate and driven, Sleazy Lizards started learning songs by their favorite bands (for the record, “Afraid To Shoot Strangers” was the second ever song that they laid down) while slowly got on with writing original material. What really impressed me of the guys was their education in music theory as from a very young age indulged in a…hobby of theirs: learn to play as many instruments as possible! Piano, guitar, flute…you name it! It is somewhere around that time that the idea of Sleazy Lizards matured and the six-string goddess (a.k.a. guitar) stole their heart!
Jim & Ad in the Skool Bus!
[Taken from the sL-Archive]
Highly passionate and driven, Sleazy Lizards started learning songs by their favorite bands (for the record, “Afraid To Shoot Strangers” was the second ever song that they laid down) while slowly got on with writing original material. What really impressed me of the guys was their education in music theory as from a very young age indulged in a…hobby of theirs: learn to play as many instruments as possible! Piano, guitar, flute…you name it! It is somewhere around that time that the idea of Sleazy Lizards matured and the six-string goddess (a.k.a. guitar) stole their heart!
Jim & Ad... Once Upon a Time on the... Stage!
[Taken from the sL-Archive]
What makes the whole Sleazy Lizards saga more interesting is the fact that they have been around for quite some time yet it seems that only lately the guys have made their presence widely known among the masses. We asked them what they thought about the importance of the social media nowadays. “It is not only important but actually necessary”, they fired back almost unanimously. “Undoubtedly, through facebook, people got to know us really well and come to the shows”.
But what does it take to make a difference and stand out among all the others in a country where the buying audience and the overall demand for rock n’ roll music is minimal? Jet has an answer: “That is a very good question; the truth is that we don’t rely only on the Greek market and we make plans for other big capitals around the world”. Jim concurs and adds that New York, Los Angeles and London are top priorities. The guys are fully aware of the difficulties that a rock n’ roll band faces in Greece but they are adamant, they are persistent and confident that they will succeed because they really love music and what they are doing. And this comes for a bunch of guys with college degrees that a few years ago decided to focus on music and follow their dreams!

[Taken by Yiannis Dolas during the KW/SL show]
“Maybe it sounds strange”, Jet underlines, “but we don’t want to get tangled in the reins of the music industry…don’t get me wrong; it is a necessary evil but we don’t want to get distracted by the whole business thing. We want to remain focus on the music. After all, we have other people for that job”, he points down smiling as he shows us the band’s PR manager.
Naturally, we asked them if they’ve ever thought of doing a fully-blown electric show. They didn’t give a clear answer but judging by their mischievous smile, I’d bet my bottom dollar that they will most certainly attempt something like that in the very near future. As a closing note of our chat, we humbly recommended to them to record some of their original material and have it available in their shows as a lot of fans want to relive the experience of the show…at home! “That is also in our plans”, they say and we are already waiting for the next Sleazy Lizards show.
Jet's hand after the end of the next sL-Show with Australia's White Widdow!
We touched other topics, we laughed, we exchange (war) stories and all in all we got to know Sleazy Lizards. But you know what…? In order to get the full picture of them, you have to see them live! Trust me! It doesn’t matter how many lines I will write about them or how many praising words I’ll include in my article. The one thing that matters is the band’s sheer talent on stage and its natural charisma from a compositional standpoint. As the saying goes: it’s only rock n’ roll…and Sleazy Lizards is the absolute definition of the genre!
Sakis Nikas
A warm & loud "Thank You" to Sakis for his wonderful words, to Yiannis Dolas & Philip Dimopoulos for their awesome photos & to everyone at Rockpages.gr for their interest & support. Much appreciated!
This one is for Sakis! He already knows about it, but we had to share it with the rest of the world!
Meet... Jet Pyromania-c! HA HA HA HA! There's a short story behind this one, with Jim dancin', Sakis singin' & some Def Leppard in the air! 'Nuff said! ;)
The article as published by Rockpages.gr @ https://goo.gl/WLR5Y6 ends here.
A warm & loud "Thank You" to Sakis for his wonderful words, to Yiannis Dolas & Philip Dimopoulos for their awesome photos & to everyone at Rockpages.gr for their interest & support. Much appreciated!
This one is for Sakis! He already knows about it, but we had to share it with the rest of the world!
Jet & Ad in the Heat of the Moment!
Had to share these intense moments captured by the talented Philip Dimopoulos!
Jet... Screamer
[Taken by Philip Dimopoulos during the KW/SL show]
[Taken by Philip Dimopoulos during the KW/SL show]
The President givin' heart & soul!
[Taken by Philip Dimopoulos during the KW/SL show]
Last, but not least!
Thank You for all the moments we shared, the new-found feelings & the inspiration!
Sendin' our best wishes for a Happy New Year to each & everyone of you!
Health, Love, Happiness & Dreams!
Close your eyes, feel what's important inside, raise your fist & be ready to fight. Let's change it all!
- Sleazy Lizards & the sL-Crew -